Jonna Pulkkinen

Photographer Lotta Salonen

Genre(s): non-fiction

Jonna Pulkkinen is a non-fiction writer and rock festival producer who lives in Oulu. Pulkkinen has written eight non-fiction books on the topics of alcohol, alcohol culture and history, suicide, and procrastination. Her next book, to be published by Otava in autumn 2021, will tell the story of a man suspected of being a spy for Soviet partisans in Finland’s Continuation War during the first half of the twentieth century. Pulkkinen also writes commissioned histories and articles, among other writing assignments. She is the producer of the Röyttä Rock festival, which takes place on the island of Röyttä near the Finnish town of Ii.

Finland’s Prohibition: The History of Forbidden Liquor in Finland follows the arc of Finland’s Prohibition Act, which was in effect from 1919 to 1932, all the way from the rise of the temperance movement in the nineteenth century to the birth of the Finnish state alcohol monopoly. The book brings together the various manifestations of the Prohibition Act in different regions of Finland, from the liquor dens and speakeasies of Helsinki to the smugglers who used automobiles to elude the bicycle police and the bootleggers’ liquor caravans in the North.

Pulkkinen enjoys flamenco and playing football. Her family includes an extremely cat-like elderly dog.

The Procrastination Revolution (Kotvimisen vallankumous), 2018, Karisto Oy, with Jenny Kangasvuo and Katri Rauanjoki.

An Alcohol-Spiked War: Alcohol during the War Years 1939–1944 (Viinalla terästetty sota – alkoholi sotavuosina 1939–1944), 2017, Atena Kustannus Oy.

Cooking with Alcohol – Spiked Gourmet (Viinakeittokirja – terästettyjä herkkuruokia), 2016, Atena Kustannus Oy, with Merja Ruotsalainen.

Lonkero: The History of Finnish Long Drinks (Lonkero – suomalaisten long drink -juomien historia), 2016, Minerva Kustannus Oy.

Finland’s Prohibition: The History of Forbidden Liquor in Finland (Kieltolaki – kielletyn viinan historia Suomessa), 2015, Minerva Kustannus Oy.

Kossu: The History of Koskenkorva and Finnish Vodka (Kossu – Koskenkorvan ja suomalaisen vodkan historia), 2014, Minerva Kustannus Oy.

A Fistful of Taboos: Stories about Suicide (Kourallinen tabuja – kertomuksia itsemurhasta), 2014, Atena Kustannus Oy, with Katariina Vuori.

Jallu: The History of Liquor and Jaloviina (Jallu – Jaloviinan ja paloviinan historia), 2013, Minerva Kustannus Oy.

Foreign rights enquiries
Publisher Pekka Saarainen

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